
Showing posts from January, 2018

Be careful what you download

So here's another quick post I wanted to share with you. Have you ever needed an app and go to the webpage only to be lost and not find the actual "Download" button you want. Forget all that mess and use Ninite . Ninite is a repository of the most commonly used apps.  (Assuming you use Windows) What's great about Ninite is that you can pick multiple apps, hit the "Get Your Ninite" button and a single installer will be downloaded to your machine.  Run this download and it will sequentially install all the apps you picked.  This really shines after you you do a fresh install of your OS; a quick way to get back into everyday computing. Just wanted to share this site with you guys, more to come.

I think my computer is sick

Hello again, I wanted to make another quick post.  This is what you can do if you think you already have a infection. The tool I use is MalwareBytes . You can snag the "FREE" version but again I would recommend looking into the "Premium" version. After installing Malwarebytes, you'll get the main menu shown below. You can see the "Premium" version has a lot more features; but the main thing we are after is the "Scan" feature.  Marked in Red After you let Malwarebytes run for a bit (it can take quite some time), you'll be presented with the results window.  Hopefully looking like this: Now if Malwarebytes does detect something it is going to place it into "Quarantine".  This is storage holder isolating the detected file.  Malwarebytes gives you the opportunity to review the detected file and decide if you truly want to delete it from your system.  (False positive could occur flagging a normal f...

Well that looks sketchy...

Hey, There's a $1,000,000 sitting in an account with your name on it you just need to click this link; FREE MONEY! - Did you get that money?  Or did you go to VirusTotal?  Point being the text displayed has nothing to do with where you'll end up. You should never blindly follow links, especially unsolicited or automated ones in your email.  Now if you just forgot your password and are expecting a link then 'yes' you can reasonably assume that link is clean/valid.  (You initiated the automated response) But how can you be sure?  Is there a way we can check? VirusTotal is the first thing I use if I sense something Phishy. Highlighted in red are the main options/buttons you will be using. The default landing page has you in "File" mode.  Meaning it wants you to upload whatever file you think is phishy, and it will scan it.  Now if the file is malicious VirusTotal will tell you which anti-virus flagged the file.  If multiple anti...

My Firewall

Hi, With this post I want to go over another key piece to safeguarding yourself.  Again this is based on Windows 10.  Windows does come with its own built-in firewall but it lacks; GRAPHICS! and Usability .  I'll show you what I mean here.  I recently downloaded  Glasswire  and can't recommend it enough. Nerdy right? The default "View" isn't the main feature we are after.  Clicking "Apps" or "Traffic" gives us more detailed information about our network communications. This appears normal, nothing malicious.  I opened these apps and of course Windows has a few network connections.  Another tab to note is the "Firewall". Each of these lines represent a network connection to/from your computer.  If something looks out of place you can click the little (Flame) icon and it will block that connection.  Now, when I say "out of place" we have to consider many factors. Did I start that app? Why is the host ...

Checking your OS (Windows10)

Hello again, Wanted to make another post to make sure you have the tools to keep your computer and your digital self, secure. This post will cover Windows 10; how to check which version you have, how to update, and finally how to make sure you have proper security settings. Click on Start > Settings > System > About Marked in red are the most important parts.  Up top it will tell us if certain security features are "On/Off".  You want to see those green checks.  The second part tells you whether you are running a 32bit or 64bit processor.  (Most likely 64bit)  The bottom part will tell you the Windows specifics.  In this case we are looking for "Version 1709".  Keeping your system up-to-date will ensure you have the latest defenses against the newest attacks. Now if you don't see this version lets try and run Windows Update to get you there. Click on Start > Settings > Update & Security Click on "Check for Updat...

New Year, New Beginnings

Hello folks, Just wanted to start the new year by giving some general security advice on how to keep your digital life secure.  I'll try and break it down as concise as possible while giving the programs I personally use to secure myself.  P.S. (This assumes you run Windows) New Year's Resolution! Use a Password Manger (No not your browsers an actual password manager) The password manager I use is,  Keepass  (FREE) This app stores all your passwords and can be secured with a key/password/account.  I recommend using a password "phrase", a whole sentence as your "Master Password."  exp. (ForkthoseCatsASU!)  The main objective is to use such a long difficult passphrase  no one can guess (or Bruteforce) but the phrase itself is personal and not easy for you to forget. A .kdbx file will be made after you create your Master Passphrase.  Consider this your "Keychain".  Personally I put my key file in my Dropbox so I can access it...