New Year, New Beginnings

Hello folks,

Just wanted to start the new year by giving some general security advice on how to keep your digital life secure.  I'll try and break it down as concise as possible while giving the programs I personally use to secure myself.  P.S. (This assumes you run Windows)

New Year's Resolution!

Use a Password Manger (No not your browsers an actual password manager)

The password manager I use is, Keepass (FREE)

This app stores all your passwords and can be secured with a key/password/account.  I recommend using a password "phrase", a whole sentence as your "Master Password."  exp. (ForkthoseCatsASU!)  The main objective is to use such a long difficult passphrase no one can guess (or Bruteforce) but the phrase itself is personal and not easy for you to forget.

A .kdbx file will be made after you create your Master Passphrase.  Consider this your "Keychain".  Personally I put my key file in my Dropbox so I can access it anywhere.  (Keepass and Dropbox apps on your phone will accomplish the same effect.)

Then start filling it with all the websites and logins you have throughout your life.  (Netflix, Steam, email, online banking.)  If you haven't recently changed or are using a weak password; now is a good time to reset your passwords.  Keepass also has a random password generator that you can use to reset all your previous passwords to more difficult ones.

The length of the password is the most important factor, 8 characters used to be a minimum but I would recommend way more than that.

These are YOUR keys to your HOUSE make them STRONG! (LONG).

I'll post some more soon.


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